On Saint Lucy’s Day December 13th 2017 Maini Sorri was invited to Swedish Radio Sisuradio in Stockholm for an interview in live broadcast in Iltapäivä talkshow. The interview was about spreading her music around the world, about being included in Spirit of December Vol. 7 album in Florida, USA, and other highlights during her career, and about her memories of Saint Lucy’s Day celebration.
The interview by Jorma Ikäheimo and Hanna Paimela Lindberg is in Finnish. You can listen to it and read the article here.
The picture is of the Christmas Tree at Swedish Radio.
September 9th 2017 Ruotsin Suomalainen newspaper published Maini‘s interview.
“Swedish Finnish Maini Sorri makes music and recordings. She has released 19 singles and made music to her life’s work. Composing songs and make recordings is her passion, and the fruits she wants to send to the world for everybody to hear.”
The whole article in Finnish by Laura Helin can be read in the picture of this post.
April 6th 2017 Upsala Nya Tidning published the interview “Internet gives her new fans all over the world” about Maini and her music career, at the time for her birthday.
“During her whole life Maini Sorri has composed, sang and played. She co-works with two producers in USA and several lyrics writers around the world. ‘It is a fantastic feeling to hear myself on Radio’. Maini Sorri can nowadays often hear herself on international radio stations.”
Maini says about her interests: “Music, nature, environment and justice. It could be you and I who were forced to leave everything and flee from war, violence and persecution. We must open our doors.” You can read the whole interview in Swedish by Kristina Bate Holmberg here
I saw yesterday that a Goldeneye that lives on a pond in the forest had 6 young ones. Today I saw 9 of them! They are so cute. They make cute little sounds and they are diving all the time so it is hard work to count them and to be really sure that they are 9 🙂
Now I hope that they’ll manage to be grown up birds as the Goldeneyes on the picture, there are so many dangers out there for those tiny ones. Some years the young ones just disappear. I will count them every day. Let’s hope that this will be a good year for Goldeneyes 🙂
I love winter. It is not so common, I think, it is more common to like summer or spring. I have always loved winter. When I was a child, I lived in Finland and we had always real winters with cold degrees and a lot of snow there I lived. I loved to go skiing.
During many years I didn’t goskiing. In my home town in Sweden, where I have lived the most part of my life, the winters haven’t usually lasted that long. And when the snow came, during many years I didn’t know where my skiing equipment was. I envied every winter others that went skiing.
When I think about it now, it seems so stupid that I didn’t go skiing for many years!
Lots of snow fell a week before Chrismas. A new year came with new year’s resolutions and new possiblities. I decided to look for my skiis in our store. And there, behind everything else, I found my skiis! I also found my ski sticks and my skiing boots. My skiing jacket and my skiing mittens were gone, my skiing cap, too:) Isn’t it strange that things just disappear, they are not stolen but they are just gone!:)
I had bought a new jacket last autumn. When my old skiing jacket was gone I spent one day sawing to improve my new one making it more suitable for skiing. I bought new skiing mittens. After 2 days I finally had my skiing equipment available and ready.
It was such an experience to go skiing again. The first day we had at least 15 degrees below zero Celsius. To feel the cold wind on my cheeks, I really love it. I also noticed that my condition really needed to improve:) I now go skiing every day. I love that I don’t need to envy others on the ski track any more, I am one of them, it makes me very happy! I hope that this winter that has been colder and longer that for decades in the whle country, will last as long as possible. The colder the better:) I know some of you don’t agree:) But I love winter.
It is so beautiful in forest where I ski. It is amazing to see all snowy trees. All nature looks wonderful covered with snow.
On facebook people send hearts to each other, silver hearts, golden hearts, bubbling hearts, summer hearts, treasured hearts, snowy hearts, thank you all for sending me many beautiful hearts. What about my heart? I must have a winter heart!
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? I make every year. One of my resolutions was to write blog posts more often:)
When I am on my daily skiing tour I write blog posts all the time in my mind but when I come home, there is always so much happening, I am rehearsing new songs, making dinner, writing emails and messages to friends and fans and promoting my music. Too soon it is midnight and I am too tired to write a blog post. One of my New Year’s resolutions was to go to bed earlier. So, if I will keep that resolution, I shouldn’t stay up late and write blog posts:) 🙂
I am sorry to say that even the resolution about going to bed earlier has been very difficult to keep.
But I will try to write blog posts more often, it is for sure. And I will try to go to bed earlier:)
I wish every one a very happy year 2010! Tell me about your New Years resolutions. You are very welcome to write a blog comment.
I am very happy and proud about my new computer. I have really been upgraded:) My old computer was really the slowest one. Sometimes it took so long for me to open a Myspace page or send an email that I had time to do a lot of other things while I was waiting, to wash dishes or make my gym exercise program etc:) Yes, it is true! My old computer was really a lousy one.
Now I have a very fast computer. It is wonderful. Now I can visit Myspace and other pages with lots of grafic without any problem. To open a page and to go from page to page is really easy. I have now Windows 7 and Explorer 8. I have 3 hard drives and lots of memory. One of the 3 hard drives broke down but it has been restored by itself, it took 180 hours but at least I didn’t have to do anything. I am glad to have a computer that works for me:)’
Yes, there is one thing that I am not completely satisfied with, my computer switches the text size to a smaller one. Now when I write my blog post the text size is too small (but not when you see it on my blog page). When I write emails the text size is too small, too, in every mail box since I got my new computer. If somebody nows how to change the text size everywhere, maybe you can tell me how to do.
Summer is gone, it is now Autumn in Sweden. How my summer was ? Yes thanks, it was fine. I have worked very much with the Church Parliament election but now the election is over and I have finally more time for music and for my blog posts!
My trip to Finland was great, the weather was wonderful. For the third time, without planning it, I ended up in Tampere just that special night that is called the Night of Arts. I went to several concerts, it was a warm lovely night with Nordic light, so it was really wonderful. To sit in Tampere cathedral and listen to a beautiful soprano the last thing that night was great.
What happened to those young Golden eyes that I told about? The day after I wrote my blogpost about them there were only three of them left. But those three made it through all dangers for young birds, and grew up and became more and more look a likes of their mother.
It is so funny that they really did recognise me. When I came to their little lake and called them they always came to me. They developped a kind of swimming style that made it possible for them to stay on the same spot without floating away so they could listen to everything I said without moving at all. Their mother had left the lake for a long time ago and maybe I could be some kind of mother for them for a little while every day. When we had “talked enough” for that day they swam away and I continued my walk in the forest.
What about the owl? I was so certain about that the owl didn’t get any young birds last summer because I hadn’t seem them and I always find them if they are there. No one else had seen them either. That is why it was a big suprise for me that I met a guy in the forest yesterday that told me that he had seen the owl with 2 young birds high up in a tree in June. It was nice to hear because it means that the pair of owls still like our City forrest and are certainly coming back even next year. I just can’t wait. I love those grey feather balls:)
Of course I am planning new music projects and I have already been recording in studio. I will very soon upload a new video here. I have written 8 new songs to lyrics by Gary Cornman from USA. Thank you Gary for great lyrics and for great team work!
Have a nice Autumn! And if the season is Spring in your country I wish you a nice Spring!
What to do a rainy day like this? Make phone calls, write emails to friends and fans, write comments in guest books, take a walk in the rain. I will also rehearse one of my new songs.
Yesterday I took a long walk in the forrest in rain, it was amazing. It was a cold day but teh wind was not so cold in the shelter of trees and the rain didn’t bother so much there either. It was magic. It was lighter than it seemed to be when I looked out through the window.
There is a small lake for birds in the forrest and for the first time this year I saw a mother Goldeneye with 4 sweet young birds, diving all the time, disappearing, then appearing again and swimming around, almost never after their mother but not far away from her.
I also use to follow Tawny Owls, year after year. This Summer I have so far seen only one of them. I find him/her by following the Blackbirds yelling when they try to scare away the Owl from the area. And there the Owl sits, always on a pine tree, trying to look invisible for Blackbirds that are very hostile, wanting to protect there young birds from the Owl.
From now on we all who visit the lake, are counting the young birds every day, telling each other how many we have seen. The Owl is a threat for those small ones, but there are other big birds too and maybe other animals that are a danger for them.
Now I have not time to write any more, I am going to rehearse.
Have a great day.
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I went to my grocery store today. When I came closer to the cash register the guy serving customers said to me: ” I’m sorry I didn’t smile at you, I was thinking about something else. You must know that I didn’t mean anything by not smiling. I want to you to know so you don’t need to wonder why I didn’t smile at you”. I think it was the most sweet thing to say! I had taken a long walk before I went to the store and I had been thinking of how important it was to look at the people in their eyes and give them a smile. Then this happened!
For years ago I sat with a woman on a bus tour who was not a nice person, I thought she was really mean. I did wonder if I really had the patience to sit with her on our tour home, too, I did because she was expecting it and it seemed to mean a lot for her. There was a custody issue in her life and other problems, I didn’t agree with her, she seemd to be just thinking about herself and it was not a pleasure to be around her. But why not listen to her side of the story? So I just listened but it was quite a relief to be back home and say goodbye to her.
Some weeks later I met her again. She looked like another person. A happy smile covered her face when she came to me and said: “My life has changed because of you. You were the first human being in my life that was kind to me.” She told me that she had solved the custody issue and she had now good contact with her relatives. She did thank me so much, she never stopped thanking me for what I had done when we met. I thought I had not done almost anything. It was wonderful to see her so happy. She is not with us anymore but she did really teach me how little things can make a big difference.
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