There is a disco at a school today, Bockstensskolan in Sweden. The pupils have chosen to play Maini’s dance singles as disco music. It is a great joy for Maini to know that youths are dancing to her music tonight. Thank you Sebastian for these great news 🙂
I was chosen as the Arzuk Artist of the week by Arzuk Productions, California, in April 2011. The featured song was my techno track Let Me Do Your Time. You can see the video on CNN
You can see Let Me Do Your Time video on Youtube here
Here you can read the great review of Let Me Do Your Time by Gonzalo Arzamendi, the CEO of Arzuk Productions.
“This is a well composed melody with a great dance beat, clear and well tune vocals with great harmonies, excellent base. This song poses a strong structure with a well defined line, excellent rhythm easy to follow, a real and excited experience for the listener. Let Me Do Your time grabs you attention from the beginning to the end with the well performed mix, this is a song in my opinion that you must to add to your collection”.
I send many thanks to Gonzalo Arzamendi for a great review and for giving both me and my band Sorriso this great opportunity!
In July it was Season finale of Arzuk Artist Contest. We were 10 bands from USA, Canada, Japan and only 2 bands from Europe. These 2 European bands were my Italian/Swedish band Sorriso with Special Friend and I as a solo artist with Let Me Do Your Time.
It became a very exciting and tie contest. Fans could vote for their favourite artist by phone, poll and email once a day during one week. It was a very tie contest till the end.
I became number 2 with Let Me Do Your Time only 48 votes after number 1! Sorriso became #3 with Special Friend.
I want to thank once again all my fans for voting! Big thanks to Gonzalo Arzamendi for giving me and my band this opportunity and for all great support! Big thanks also to our promoter Jason Boner from Liverpool that did a great job gathering votes!
Hi friends and fans!

Annika, Sweden
Something is wrong with my gallery of fans and friends page, it is not possible to add more pictures there, so I start today another page, Gallery of fans and friends 2! Welcome to visit and see the new pictures!
I have a new page, Gallery of fans and friends. You find it here You are very welcome to send your picture to maini(at)
I will soon start a page Gallery of photos by fans and friends . If you have taken a picture of your country you are welcome to send it to my maini(at)
Thank you for all your support, good to be your friend! See you soon!