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20180131_120453 UNT 170406 Internet ger 800April 6th 2017 Upsala Nya Tidning published the interview “Internet gives her new fans all over the world” about Maini and her music career, at the time for her birthday.

“During her whole life Maini Sorri has composed, sang and played. She co-works with two producers in USA and several lyrics writers around the world. ‘It is a fantastic feeling to hear myself on Radio’. Maini Sorri can nowadays often hear herself on international radio stations.”

Maini says about her interests: “Music, nature, environment and justice. It could be you and I who were forced to leave everything and flee from war, violence and persecution. We must open our doors.” You can read the whole interview in Swedish by Kristina Bate Holmberg here


Gallery number 2


Hi friends and fans!

Annika, Sweden

Annika, Sweden

Something is wrong with my gallery of fans and friends page, it is not possible to add more pictures there, so I start today another page, Gallery of  fans and friends 2! Welcome to visit and see the new pictures!

birgitta3I have a new page, Gallery of fans and friends. You find it here You are very welcome to send your picture to maini(at)

I will soon start a page Gallery of photos by fans and friends . If you have taken a picture of your country you are welcome to send it to my maini(at)

Thank you for all your support, good to be your friend! See you soon!