The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor featuring Maini Sorri’s Lost Love released for PS4 and Xbox One on August 29th and 30th 2017 respectively and following the same tradition as The Metronomicon’s original PC and Mac release on September 29th 2016; Slay the Dance Floor has been receiving rave reviews ever since.
How to Purchase The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor on PS4 and Xbox One
The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is available digitally via the European and US PlayStation and Xbox Live Stores with a variety of bundles and packs. You can find out how to purchase and the price points of The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor on PS4 and Xbox One via the Available Now press release.
Written Reviews (in order of highest to lowest review scores)

The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is receiving rave reviews on PS4 and Xbox One including the following written reviews:
The Drastik Measure – 9.9 out of 10 (PC expansion)
“Amazing blend of rhythm and RPG mechanics, good strategical depth in RPG choices with regards to equipment/skills, varied and impressive soundtrack–generally no duds, appropriate song sequencing, vibrant and over-the-top visuals paired with quirky dancing animation, packed with the Puubas’ unique brand of humour everywhere–item descriptions, cutscenes, etc, various difficulty settings make it simultaneously newbie-friendly and catering to rhythm veterans, daily challenges and high score leaderboards add a LOT of replayability, wide support for controllers, guitar controllers, dance pads and HIGHLY polished.”
PlayStation Nation – 9.5 out of 10
“While playing Metronomicon I didn’t want to put it down until my hands hurt, and sometimes persisted in spite of the fatigue. This is just a fantastically crafted game. The systems all work great together and the soundtrack contains more earworms than should be legally allowed in a game.”
Sick Critic – 9.5 out of 10
“Playing this game was a magnificent treat, both for the hands and ears. Puuba has tried to mix and match all these different genres for a while now, and they’ve finally hit every single note perfectly. The music was diverse, the gameplay was engaging and free-flowing, and it’s one of the best games of the year. Just get it right now. An amazing audible experience that manages to keep its stride, to become a Game of The Year Contender, and the best rhythm-action game to come out in years.”
Marooner’s Rock – 9.4 out of 10
“The soundtrack is incredible, as before. There are multiple songs that will absolutely get stuck in your head. Addictive gameplay, killer soundtrack and adds improvements over an already great game.”
Comics & Gaming Magazine – 9 out of 10
“If you’re looking to unlock your inner D&D dance machine, look no further than The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor. If you’re feeling really ambitious, you can whip out your Rockband 4 guitars. You know, really get immersed in the whole party style. Just be prepared for some humbling gameplay and to come away singing the songs for days on end.”
Desconsolados – 9 out of 10 (Spanish)
“As if it has not been noticed in the analysis, The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor has enchanted me. The musical selection is enormous, varied and of quality, while the mechanics are simply great.”
Gaming Trend – 9 out of 10
“The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is one of the most infectious rhythm games this year. Its perfect blend of music gameplay and RPG mechanics is an ambitious one that sticks the landing, and the addictive soundtrack will have your toe tapping long after you turned it off. Just stay away from the dancing bears if you’re not shaking it like a Polaroid.”

Honest Gaming Reviews – 9 out of 10
“Any rhythm game is only as good as the soundtrack of it. This is where Metronomicon really shines. There are 50 tracks in total in the base game (more to come via DLC packs) and even after 7 days straight of playing the game, I still haven’t become bored with the music. There hasn’t been one single time where I’ve thought ‘Oh no , not this bloody song again’. There are a few genres included, electronica, indie, synthwave and I love them all. In conclusion, Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor was an absolute joy to play and I had huge amounts of fun with it. It’s a title that I will come back to again and again in pursuit of higher scores and maybe sometimes just to chill out and listen to the tunes.”
Life is Xbox – 85 out of 100
“Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is an addictive and really fun game that uses the best from the roleplaying and rhythm genre mix. It has a great list of songs, depth and unique gameplay, replay value and more! Great soundtrack, fun gameplay with depth, replay value and really fun local co-op.”
Gaming Age – 83 out of 100 (B+)
“The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor went from being a game that wasn’t on my radar, to being one of the more engrossing blends of video game mechanics I’ve played all year long. The stellar soundtrack combined with a solid base of RPG trappings makes for a really enjoyable time, and something that I doubt many developers could stick the landing on as well as Akupara Games and PUUBA have done here.”
Use A Potion – 8.3 out of 10
“Still, no matter how enjoyable and on point its RPG elements might be, a rhythm game is nothing without a banging soundtrack to go with it. Thankfully, Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor has a great selection of tunes. Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor’s blend of RPG action and rhythm based gameplay is something I could never have imagined working, but now that I’ve actually played it I simply can’t get enough. It mixes up the two genres in such a creative and imaginative way, in turn providing an experience that’ll provide hours upon hours of zany, adventuring fun. Whether you’re a fan of RPGs or a fan of busting some moves to a rhythm game, Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is definitely worth checking out.”
Comicbook.com – 4 out of 5
“The song selections are very good, with some not-so-typical tracks from talented artists. It successfully merges two great tastes together into one inventive experience that players won’t get enough of. It’s a good time with solid controls, abundant multiplayer options (and leaderboards) and a fun little presentation. When it comes to delivering an entertaining music experience, Metronomicon kills it.”
Common Sense Media – 4 out of 5
“Rhythm-based adventure that’s got a quirky beat. Matching character strengths to enemy weaknesses, trying out new skills and spells, and mixing up the party members is like tuning an instrument, and when it all comes together, it’s music to the player’s ears.”
GamesBeat (Venture Beat) – 80 out of 100
“The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is a lot of fun if you’re into rhythm games. I don’t think any other game quite like it is out there.”
GameSpace – 8 out of 10
“Metronomicon Slay the Dance Floor is a ton of fun and I hope to see more rhythm RPGs in the future. The soundtrack is also top notch and I often had various songs stuck in my head long after I stopped playing. For anyone who likes RPGs and Rhythm games, this is one you won’t want to pass up.”

GameZone – 8 out of 10
“I’m not sure what I was expecting when I first booted up Metronomicon, but what I got was a pleasant surprise. The soundtrack is comprised of a lot of indie artists, and it’s pretty great! If you’re a fan of rhythm games and want to add a little bit of RPG quirk to your correctly-timed button presses, then you can’t go wrong with Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor.”
Saving Content – 4 out of 5
“The soundtrack itself has a lot of various songs from slower paced songs to fast beats of electronic or techno. It was easy to get into the music and just enjoy the beats. My 3 year old daughter watched me play and even had a blast just jumping around to the music. Some nice solid selections. The Metronomicon is a solid musical experience with a cool twist. It offers a story mode, challenge modes, and endless mode and is just a fun light-hearted rhythm game that can be fun for people of all ages. Highly recommended, and if the music genre is to a player’s preference, then quest onward and tap to the beat!”
Windows Central – 4 out of 5
“A music game with RPG mechanics is something you don’t see every day. Fighting monsters to electronic indie songs is quite enjoyable. Lots of modes to keep the party going, plus local co-op!”
4Players.de – 7.5 out of 10 (German)
“The mix of rhythm game and fantasy roleplaying works suprisingly well – mainly thanks to the fact that the basic mechanics don’t stray too much from the Amplitude formula. So in the end it boils down to your musical tolerance. If you don’t mind electronic and and a wide range of indie music, you’ll get a lot of fun out of this one.”
Xbox Gamer Reviews – 7.3 out of 10
“Metronomicon may not feature any of the big names in the music industry, but the songs themselves will certainly leave a lasting impression. The songs are catchy as hell. The Metronomicon has combined two opposing genres with positive effects. The role playing elements fused with rhythmic gameplay creates a fun adventure, with some wacky outlandish characters. The levelling system allows you to progress further. Finally the songs will stick in your head.”

Bonus Stage – 7 out of 10
“With plenty of catchy tracks, a fantastic co-op mode and a brilliant coming together of two diametrically opposed genres, Puuba Games’ The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor delivers one of the more compelling rhythm games released for quite some time. Mechanically and conceptually it’s as good as anything out there. It’s quite unlike anything else out there, and with very few rhythm games on the market right now, The Metrnomicon: Slay the Dance Floor delivers a much welcome entry into an increasingly niche genre.”
Digitally Downloaded – 7 out of 10
“Taken exclusively as a rhythm game, there is so much to appreciate about Metronomicon. It does bring some new tricks to a genre that often feels quite stale for ideas, and has a truly killer soundtrack.”
Gamers Heroes – 7 out of 10
“I can safely attest that it’s quite different from the typical rhythm games we have come to expect. This game has sword-and-sorcery RPG elements, a fun story, good voice-acting, a fantastic soundtrack – which is a healthy mixture of electronic, pop, techno-pop – and quirky aesthetics. And if that wasn’t enough, the gameplay is actually quite deeper than it appears.”
The Xbox Hub – 7 out of 10
“Decent Indie artist selection, Guitar Hero Vibe, song variety, RPG elements blend well, replayability and plenty of game modes.”
Game Tyrant
“The game is a lot of fun and easily addictive! From the moment I started playing it, I caught myself constantly promising “one more song,” but it was never just one more song! I thoroughly enjoyed this mix of genre! Truly an innovative title worth the hours of game play I can guarantee any music gamer will put in to it!”
Hardcore Gamer
“The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor has grabbed me all over again, especially with well-designed PlayStation trophies that keeps the next one tantalizing close to unlocking. Anyone that enjoys a good rhythm game set to electronic music would be only hurting themselves if they don’t open up The Metronomicon now.”
Reviews and Gameplay Stream Videos

There are also a variety of YouTube videos accompanying written reviews or capturing live gameplay streams including the following:
Cornshaq Gaming (Review)
Rand al Thor 19 (Review)
Superken Gaming (Review)
Let’s Play The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor #1 – Behonkiss Plays (Gameplay Stream)
The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor – Full Game Hard Mode (1st Try) [Xbox One] – CladMaster Gaming (Gameplay Stream)
The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor Gameplay – Gaming Trend (Gameplay Stream)
The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor – PS4 Gameplay 1st Look – Nalyo Gaming (Gameplay Stream)
Official Developer Videos

There are official developer videos such as trailers including:
Launch Trailer
Live Action Trailer
Home Console Announcement Trailer
The Metronomicon Minute #8 – Cut Scenes (featuring Maini Sorri’s Lost Love)
The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is available for purchase on PS4 and Xbox One. The rhythm action RPG features Maini Sorri’s Lost Love as part of a diverse, expansive soundtrack.

The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is available digitally via the European and US PlayStation Stores with a variety of bundles and packs including The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor for £16.99 on the European PlayStation Store and $19.99 on the US PlayStation Store.
The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor – Deluxe Edition comprising of the game and the 38 song soundtrack for £19.99 on the European PlayStation Store at and $24.99 on the US PlayStation Store, while the soundtrack is available separately on the US PlayStation Store priced at $7.99.

A Challenge Pack Season Pass is also available for £6.49 on the European PlayStation Store and $7.99 on the US PlayStation Store which includes all current and future Challenge Packs with each Challenge Pack containing three songs, three special challenges and three exclusive gear items, while each Challenge Pack can be purchased individually for £1.69 including Indie Game Challenge Pack 1 on the European PlayStation Store and $1.99 on the US PlayStation Store, alongside the Chiptune Challenge Pack 1 on the European PlayStation Store and on the US PlayStation Store which is complimented by a variety of individual avatars that are available for £0.39 or $0.99 each.

The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is also available digitally via Xbox Live for £15.99 on the European Xbox Live Store and $19.99 on the US Xbox Live Store, while each Challenge Pack can be purchased individually for £1.59 including Indie Challenge Pack 1 on the European Xbox Live Store and $1.99 on the US Xbox Live Store, alongside the Chiptune Challenge Pack 1 on the European Xbox Live Store and on the US Xbox Live Store.
The Metronomicon’s PC Steam release has been receiving rave reviews from the gaming media and you can read all about that here with undoubtedly more impressive reviews to come from The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor’s home console launch.
A launch trailer provides an inkling of the fun and humorous nature of The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor which can be viewed and Maini Sorri’s Lost Love included in a promotional video covering The Metronomicon’s cut scenes.

Akupara Games has announced that rhythm action RPG The Metronomicon featuring Lost Love by Maini Sorri within the videogame and on the accompanying soundtrack will have its much anticipated home console launch for PS4 on August 29th 2017 and Xbox One on August 30th 2017 digitally via PlayStation Store and Xbox Live respectively, while the soundtrack album comprising of 38 songs from The Metronomicon will be available digitally on PlayStation Store.

The home console release sub-titled Slay the Dance Floor expands upon the initial PC Steam version of The Metronomicon which massively increases the quantity of replay value by introducing local multiplayer into every mode, a new playable character, new and reworked challenges and new ability types, while downloadable content packs are planned to expand the in-game soundtrack further with more music that will be available separately for purchase. Gamers who are looking to play The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor with a rhythm focused peripheral will be pleased to know that Rock Band 4 and Guitar Hero Live guitar controllers from PS4 and Xbox One are fully compatible on their respective platforms. For everyone who has previously purchased The Metronomicon on Steam for PC can download all new content from Slay the Dance Floor on home consoles as a free patch to upgrade The Metronomicon to its Slay the Dance Floor iteration on August 30th 2017.
Akupara Games will be live streaming gameplay from The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor during a live marathon 12 hour charity event in support of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The charity event’s gameplay stream takes place on Saturday, August 19th 2017 between 9am and 9pm PDT on Twitch, while anyone wanting to donate to the cause can do so via Akupara Games’ Tiltify page. The 12 hour gameplay stream will showcase a new endless mode that is unlocked after completing story mode in which players will be challenged to an endless playlist of songs, although the new mode really starts to get interesting when factoring in the gradually increasing enemy levels which make them more of a threat to your characters and numerous gameplay modifiers that are progressively stacked against players.

The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor is available for digital pre-order via Xbox Live at a price of £15.99 in the UK, 17.49 EUR in Europe and $19.99 in America. Players will be able to pre-download the game in advance of its release date in order to play from the very moment Slay the Dance Floor becomes accessible on your Xbox One’s store region.
The Metronomicon’s PC Steam release has been receiving rave reviews from the gaming media and you can read all about that here with undoubtedly more impressive reviews to come from The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor’s home console launch.
You can view a live action trailer for the home console release of The Metronomicon and the home console announcement trailer.

Rhythm action RPG The Metronomicon featuring Maini Sorri’s Lost Love is set to release on home consoles including PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2017. The home console ports will be subtitled Slay the Dance Floor as they will retain equal parity in terms of content in parallel with the previously released Steam PC version overlaid with new features including local multiplayer throughout every game mode; a new unlockable playable character; reworked and new challenges; new ability types; and an extensive new game mode, while all downloadable content packs will be available separately for purchase.
If you happen to be at a gaming event in 2017 such as GDC, PAX East Indie MegaBooth #22 or SXSW Gaming Awards, then you can visit the Akupara Games or Puuba booth in which you can play The Metronomicon, enter competitions for prizes and even meet some of the team responsible for creating such an original game.
The PC Steam release of The Metronomicon has been receiving rave reviews from the gaming media and you can read all about that here.
You can watch the official trailer for The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor.

Maini Sorri’s song Lost Love is featured amongst the incredible 50 song soundtrack in the stunning videogame The Metronomicon; an imaginative mixture of dance rhythm, action and role playing game genres developed by Puuba Games and published by Kasedo Games which officially released for PC and Mac on September 29th 2016. The Metronomicon is available as a digital release on Steam for £14.99, while the soundtrack consisting of 38 songs is available separately for £5.99 or can be purchased as a Deluxe Edition bundle including the game, a digital art book and the soundtrack for £18.88.
A free post-launch update has fulfilled the massive demand from players for user generated content. Players are now able to utilise the very same tools that Puuba Games used when developing the game; resulting in players being able to create choreography for any song you want to. In addition to The Metronomicon Step Editor; compatibility with the StepMania Editor has also be included with full support to import StepMania’s popular .SM, .DWI and .SSC file formats into the game. You can play custom created tracks in Free Play Mode and Story Mode with leaderboard functionality via a unique music track ID; therefore effectively providing infinite replay value. A full tutorial is available for The Metronomicon Step Editor and the StepMania Editor.
Written Reviews (in order of highest to lowest review scores)

The Metronomicon is receiving rave reviews including the following written reviews:
Payne Reactor – 5 out of 5
“Its gameplay is addictive, its music is funky and its graphics are awesome. It has story, it has voice acting and it’s polished to extend. Above my expectations of an indie game. The unique RPG twist that Puuba managed to incorporate into the rhythm game genre, is a stroke of genius.”
The Drastik Measure – 9.7 out of 10
“Varied and impressive soundtrack. Vibrant and over-the-top visuals paired with quirky dancing animations. Daily challenges and high score leaderboards add a LOT of replayability. Wide support for controllers, guitar controllers and dance pads. HIGHLY polished.”
Marooners’ Rock – 9.5 out of 10
“It is an interesting mashup, but the important question is: Does it work? And the answer is yes, yes it does.”
Bemanistyle – 9 out of 10
“The music and immediately recognizable rhythm elements are likely what will draw people to the game, but the sidequests and item collecting really flesh out the game. There is actually a lot to dive into given the game’s reasonable price tag.”
Brash Games – 9 out of 10
“The Metronomicon is a great rhythm game that excels in every area. Different, but familiar gameplay – check. Awesome songs – check. Great replayability – check. The promise of future tracks – check. If you are looking for a rhythm game to play then The Metronomicon is one of the best.”
Christ Centred Gamer – 9 out of 10
“Fun Rhythm/RPG mashup game with great music. The songs are mostly electronic dance music, however there are a few rock ones in there. The music is really good.”
GameWatcher – 9 out of 10
“The Metronomicon sets itself apart by way of numerous RPG mechanics that actually make you strategize a bit while you’re trying to keep the rhythm of the song going”
Gaming Trend – 9 out of 10
“Bright, bold, and loud is the Metronomicon…thegame is pure, unfiltered goodness”
TechRaptor – 9 out of 10
“With a killer soundtrack, some fun mechanics, and quite a lot of content, The Metronomicon is a beat worth getting down to”

Game Vortex – 8.8 out of 10
“If you’re a fan of RPGs and D&D, you’re okay with poking fun at them and you like rhythm games, you might just love The Metronomicon.”
New Game Network – 8.7 out of 10
“With an impressively novel and well-done approach to gameplay, as well as a great tracklist and campaign to back it up, The Metronomicon is one of the best rhythm games in recent memory.”
Capsule Computers – 8.5 out of 10
“The Metronomicon is the new benchmark that all other rhythm games on the PC should be measured against”
Cog Connected – 8.5 out of 10
“With the colourful and fun character design, this is a game that should be dancing into everyone’s homes”
Press Play Media – 8.4 out of 10
“The inclusion of adventure and RPG elements works great. If you’re a PC gamer and you were jealous of console owners with all their rhythm titles – be jealous no more.”
VG Professional – 8.1 out of 10
“The Metronomicon is a clever take on rhythm games that mixes in RPGs and manages to add a new element of challenge.”
Hardcore Gamer – 8 out of 10
“…such a great soundtrack”
Hey Poor Player – 4 out of 5
“Of course, a game like this is only as good as its soundtrack, and Metronomicon delivers on that front and then some. I don’t even like electronic music typically (I’m more of a classic rock and metal kinda guy), but I still sound myself humming and tapping my feet to the soundtrack’s catchy beats.”

RPGamer – 4 out of 5
“Anyone who’s interested in the strategic side of classic RPG combat and isn’t afraid of the beat should give The Metronomicon a look”
We Got This Covered – 4 out of 5
“The task of combining rhythm action and RPG gameplay styles is not one that many developers would have been able to pull off as well as Puuba have with The Metronomicon. As well as a stack of great jams and entertaining gameplay, there’s plenty of polish and enough depth here to keep you stepping back to the dance floor.”
Worth Playing – 8 out of 10
“The different modes give the game some legs, while the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. Thankfully, The Metronomicon delivers. There are around 50 tracks, and there are no duds in the set, making this one of the stronger licensed soundtracks in recent memory. The Metronomicon is certainly recommended for rhythm fans.”
Mammoth Gamers – 7.5 out of 10
“With its colorful visuals, catchy music, and simple but challenging gameplay; The Metronomicon is bound to hook fans of the rhythm genre while its RPG mechanics and various modes give players a reason to keep coming back for more.”
PLAY! Zine – 7.5 out of 10
“A bold step for the music/rhythm genre that is sure to scratch your itch, especially if you grew tired of the mainstream games that used to dominate the genre.”
Hooked Gamers – 7.3 out of 10
“The Metronomicon comes together in a neat package which rhythm game fans will certainly get a deal of enjoyment out of. Bringing in the RPG elements makes this game stand out from other rhythm games, and there’s enough here to keep you going through the end of the game and beyond.”
GameGrin – 7 out of 10
“Fun and entertaining with its eclectic mix of indies”
OnRPG – 3.5 out of 5
“It’s a quirky, enjoyable, amusing title that would definitely appeal to an audience that enjoyed the games it’s inspired from!”
Lifted Geek – 3 out of 5
“It is very well polished, runs super smooth, the input calibration was spot on, no bugs or glitches, animations and voice acting were great.”
Written Previews
“The Metronomicon brilliantly combines dance battles and boss battles. Make no mistake: The Metronomicon may look like a simple, arcadey button-tapping rhythm game, but there’s a ton of depth here for RPG min/maxers to really sink their teeth into, and you’ll get to jam out to some great music while you do it.”
“Metronomicon mashes music and role-playing with fantastic results”
Reviews and Gameplay Stream Videos

There are also a variety of YouTube videos accompanying written reviews or capturing live gameplay streams including the following:
Brainbean Gaming (Review)
Capsule Computers (Review)
Dragnix (Review)
GameX (Review)
TheDebra Sanchez (Review)
GameSpot (Battling Monsters with the Power of Music Gameplay from PAX East 2016)
Let’s Try The Metronomicon – You Got Your Glowsticks in my Chainmail (Gameplay Stream)
Smash Gaming – Smash Look! The Metronomicon Gameplay
Total Biscuit, A Cynical Brit – ‘Ave A Gander At The Metronomicon
Yujoon Twitch – The Metronomicon: First 2 Areas (Gameplay Stream)
User Generated Content Showcase Videos
These YouTube videos showcase some of the best User Generated Content created by gamers for The Metronomicon:
K3W3L – The Metronomicon – UGC Showcase #1
K3W3L – Finally, My UGC Finished!
Official Developer Videos

There are official developer videos such as trailers and gameplay explanations including:
Launch Trailer
Gameplay Trailer
How to Play The Metronomicon
Teaser Trailer
The Metronomicon Minute #10 – Soundtrack Announcement (Part 2)
The Metronomicon Minute #9 – Soundtrack Announcement (Part 1)
The Metronomicon Minute #8 – Cut Scenes
The Metronomicon Minute #7 – Peripherals
The Metronomicon Minute #6 – Quests and Challenges
The Metronomicon Minute #5 – Funky Dance Monster Concepts
The Metronomicon Minute #4 – Developer Diary
The Metronomicon Minute #3 – Developer Diary from PAX East 2016
The Metronomicon Minute #2 – Developer Diary
The Metronomicon Minute #1 – Developer Diary