SORRISO Hiding Place CD cover
You can hear Sorrisos new track on the Global voice! Listen to todays show with DJ Shawn from Kansas. Go to the Global voice Click on listen. The show begins with some adds.
I am listening now! Our new track Hiding Place is going to be aired as #11 on the show.
You can listen to the show on the Global Voice’s web page til next Wednesday the 3rd February.
The show is called Everything but the Kitchen Sink. It is in English and Portuguese. Listen to music from different corners of the world!
Sorriso is my new band together with John Baumann from Italy.
Our EP Hiding Place has just been released by Reya music. It has already been aired on radio in Canada, on TV6 in USA and now on radio the Global Voice!
The global radio Last.fm temporarily backs down from charging listeners. They have received tons of negative feedback. The founder of Last.fm Richard Jones made an annauncement on March 24th about starting to charge listeners that don’t live in USA, UK or Germany.
I wrote a message to Richard Jones and got an answer. It was of course a good thing. It is important that the staff of Last.fm listen to their 30 million monthly listeners and 280 000 artists and labels but the answer was only an explanation about why they decided to start charging listeners. There is now a strike among listeners on Last.fm.
On March 30th a new annauncement by Richard Jones was published. He annaunced that Last.fm is delaying their move of beginning to charge listeners. It is good although we must keep in mind that this delaying is just temporary. We listeners and artists on Last-fm must keep fighting against this negative change, hoping that it will never happen.
Last.fm listeners are really the best listeners ever, many of them are listening to Last.fm all their awaken hours. I have never met listeners so devoted to music than on Last.fm. Last.fm has listeners from every country in the world and is not only a huge global radio but also a gigantic meeting place for music lovers from different parts of the world, recommending music to each other.
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