I have great news! The Italian artist John Baumann flew all the way from Italy to record one of my songs Hiding Place with me! He found me on the global web radio Last.fm for some months ago and asked me if he could record together with me. Of course I said yes.
Since then we have been planning our project, sending emails and mp3s to each other. It was very exciting to make preparations for our recording and to meet each other for the first time! But when I saw John’s smiling face when we met, I knew this would work fine.
Next day we went to studio for recording and everything went fine. Our voices suite well together and we sound really great together. I can hardly wait to play the song for you, I hope it will be very soon.
Please help us to find a group name for our new group!
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I listen to some of John songs and from what I can tell your voices should blend pretty well together…..I already send some names to you for the name of the group I added a couple more……….
The Perfect Tempos
The Blending Voices
The Soothing Sounds
The Music Succors
The Vocalizers
Comment by Gary Cornman — November 8, 2009 @ 8:39 pm
Hi Gary! Thank you for all your suggestions! I am glad to hear that you think that our voices suit well together. Thank you for great lyrics and for your support! Hugs!
Comment by Maini Sorri — November 8, 2009 @ 10:13 pm
Detta Ert samarbete gläder mig ofantligt Maini.Jag önskar er lycka till och allt gott för nuet och framtiden!Kram!Birgit
Comment by Birgit Severin Forslund — January 27, 2010 @ 5:36 pm
Tack så hjärtligt min vän! Det är verkligen roligt med vårt samarbete. Tack för att du delar vår glädje.
Comment by Maini Sorri — January 27, 2010 @ 9:02 pm