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Maini Shiny Eyes cd Artwork smaller I got a lovely report from my promoter in Hollywood Trilogy Music Group. My dance single Shiny Eyes is now played on radiostations in 23 U.S states! For 2 weeks ago it was played in 17 states and now 23!! Week 23 my single is played in 23 U.S. states 🙂 This is so unbelievable!

I am learning what AL, AZ, MA, MI, MN etc means. Here are the 23 states that play Shiny Eyes: New York, Washington, California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Massachussetts, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Alabama, Arizona, Texas, Tennessee, New Mexico, West Virginia, Ohio, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island, Utah, Wisconsin. Shiny Eyes is also played in New Foundland in Canada.

For 2 weeks ago Shiny Eyes was on #4 RPM CMJ chart in USA. It means that it was #4 most added on radio station’s playlists of all releases of the week in the whole USA!

AM 1700 in Michigan, USA charted me #5 on CMJ HIP HOP chart last week and WERU 89,9 FM in Maine, USA charted me  #6 on CMJ HIP HOP chart. Shiny Eyes is also played on Newusb in UK/USA. I had great pleasure to be the #4 most played artist of the week world wide for 2 weeks ago. Shiny Eyes has also been played at CFUV 101,9 FM in Victoria Canada, AiiRadio in Florida and on Musicworldradio.

If you haven’t seen Shiny Eyes video by Johan Zetterlund yet, it really is a must see video! Hollywood sign, pictures from helicopter, Las Vegas, blinking lights, wow! See it here

These are my best results ever in America! Time for celebration!

Maini Shiny Eyes cd Artwork smallerSUCCESS IN THE U.S FOR MAINI SORRI

Uppsala resident Maini Sorris new single Shiny Eyes, released on May 2, is played after the launch of many radio stations in the United States.

The song was this week # 4 on the CMJ Charts Top5 list of all the week’s release throughout the U.S. and has been added to playlists at radio stations in 17 U.S. states, which include New York and California, as well as Newfoundland in Canada.
Upsala Nya Tidning May 23 2012 Page: 3 – Part: 2

English version by Johan Zetterlund


Upsala Nya Tidning  2012-05-23  Sida: 3  –  Del:2

Uppsalabon Maini Sorris nya singel Shiny eyes, som släpptes den 2 maj, spelas efter lanseringen på många radiostationer i USA.

Låten låg denna vecka #4 på CMJ Charts Top5 lista för alla veckans release i hela USA och har lagts till på radiostationers spellistor i 17 amerikanska delstater, där bland annat New York och Kalifornien är några avdessa, men även Newfoundland i Kanada. UNT

© Upsala Nya Tidning

Maini Shiny Eyes cd Artwork smallerMy catchy dance single Shiny Eyes is released in USA today! To celebrate it the Shiny Eyes video is also released today. It has already over 2600 views on Youtube and many great comments. I am sure you will enjoy it.

It is produced by Johan Zetterlund. You will see cool views from USA, and a plane and a helicopter and much more. Please take your time to watch the video. You can see it here

Thank you for watching!

The label for my single Shiny Eyes is Reya music, Sweden.

Music by Maini Sorri, lyrics by Gary Cornman from USA and remix by Carsten Lehmann from Germany. Cd artwork pic by Johan Zetterlund.

You find all webshops around the world where my single is available here

Dreamworld Cd artworkMaini Sorris new cd Dreamworld will be released 31st October 2011 by Reya Music, Sweden. It contains 5 songs: #1 Dreamworld #2 Only A Memory #3 Oh Echo #4 Highway #5 Like A Golden Eagle. PR campaign is now running by Trilogy Music Group in Hollywood, you can see on TMGs website that Maini is a featured artist.

Dreamworld has already been added on playlist at some radio stations in Spain and UK.

Mainis previous album Someday got excellent reviews and Dreamworld can follow up the success of Someday. A purchaser wrote: “I listened to those songs on Dreamworld album.  The music, singing voice and lyrics are so well blended, there is four words that comes to mind:  I am left speechless”.

All music is like always written by Maini. Lyrics to track #1 and #3 are written by Gary Cornman, USA.  The rest of the songs are translated into English by the legendary Finnish artist Barbara Helsingius, original lyrics are by Mikko Anttila, Ritva Ala-Särkelä and Ritva Östlin. Music backgrounds by Piyasiri, Jaakko Viitala and Seppo Ihme.

Cd artwork photo by Johan Zetterlund.

You can listen to all 5 tracks of Dreamworld on Mainis website

The tracks of Dreamworld are available for purchase on web shops around the world. You find a Dreamworld page on your favourite store in different parts of the world:


7digital Sweden Dreamworld

itunes Sweden Dreamworld

spotify:album:2HJqxhc4PeB8WSopu4DlNp Dreamworld


7Digital UK Dreamworld

Amazon UK Dreamworld

itunes UK Dreamworld

Spotify searchword Maini


7Digital USA Dreamworld

Amazon USA Dreamworld

itunes USA Dreamworld


7digital Italy Dreamworld

itunes Italy Dreamworld


7digital Finland Dreamworld

itunes Finland Dreamworld

Spotify searchword Maini


itunes Norway Dreamworld

Spotify searchword Maini


itunes Denmark Dreamworld


7digital Germany Dreamworld

Amazon Germany Dreamworld

itunes Dreamworld


itunes Spain Dreamworld

Spotify searchword Maini


itunes Dreamworld


7digital Canada Dreamworld

itunes Canada Dreamworld


7digital France Dreamworld

itunes France Dreamworld

Amazon France Dreamworld

Spotify searchword Maini


itunes Ireland Dreamworld


Amazon Japan Dreamworld


itunes Hungary Dreamworld


itunes Nederland Dreamworld

Spotify searchword Maini Dreamworld


itunes Austria Dreamworld


Nokia music searchword Maini Dreamworld


Nokia music searchword Maini Dreamworld


eMusic searchword Maini Dreamworld


itunes searchword Maini Dreamworld

IMG_2163_new small272 Records in Los Angeles found Maini Sorri from Uppsala on Maini’s Myspace music page and contacted her. In less than 24 hours the record deal had already been signed.

Contact with the record label A & R director has been frequent  throughout the summer. What is clear is that the record company is hooked on Maini’s music. A & R wrote: “We’d love to have you on board! We really enjoy your song I Should not Have Trusted You, and think it would be a great addition to the record!”

A compilation album was published in August and it is distributed worldwide. The album is also sold at Hollywood’s biggest and most popular record store. Beyond radio distribution the album will be distributed to Cafes and Coffee Houses on Hollywood Blvd., Sunset Blvd. and Melrose Avenue. On the album you can hear I Should not have trusted you and Like an angel, composed by Maini. The lyrics of most of Maini’s songs are written by herself but the lyrics of Like an angel are written by Marjo-Riitta Oksanen. Maini’s songs are translated by Barbara Helsingius into English.
Maini Sorri is from Lempäälä and she moved to Sweden in the age of 17. She worked as a music teacher e.g. in Uppland, but has dedicated to her own music the recent years.
Social media and spreading of music via internet has opened doors to the global distribution of the music.
Maini wrote her first piece of music at 8 and has played and sung all her life. She became well known  through her songs. Maini has a band with John Baumann from Italy, and Sorriso Special Friend was elected to Arzuk Artist of the Week  in California in April this year. There are also other number one spots for Maini on international charts.

Maini has said in interviews that a strong motive for making music is to bring  joy to listeners and to make them feel good. Maini’s humane and bright music reaches out to listeners, the message is easy to understand, and it has always a warm tone. Maini has been studying singing for decades, and her repertoire is surprisingly all around – it includes ballads, pop and even techno music.

Maini Sorri was  for a long time #2 on a vote based World Music Radio Chart Top 20 list. On the top of not quite two year old Top 20 chart has beyond Maini and Menowin been e.g. Depeche Mode”.

Maini Sorri’s artist page and blog:
Acoustika Vol. 26 produced by 272 Records:

Photo: Johan Zetterlund

“Levysopimus Los Angelesissa alle 24 tunnin” article published in Liekki #3 2011, translated by google with help by Maini

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